皮肤症状 Dermatological Condition
- 暗疮 Acne
- 脱发 Alopecia
- 脚/阴癣 Athlete’s Foot and Jock Itch
- 细菌感染 Bacterial Infection
- 水疱 Blisters
- 烧伤 Burns
- 老茧,鸡眼,和疣 Calluses, Corns, and Warts
- 接触性皮炎 Contact Dermatitis
- 头屑 Dandruff
- 尿布皮炎 Diaper Rash
- 皮肤干燥 Dry Skin
- 毛囊炎,疖,和痈 Folliculitis, Furuncles, and Carbuncles
- 霉菌感染 Fungal Infection
- 昆虫叮咬 Insect Bites and Stings
- 头虱 Pediculosis(Lice)
- 牛皮癣 Psoriasis
- 脂溢性皮炎 Seborrheic Dermatitis
- 日光灼伤 Sunburn
- 外伤 Wound Care